Friday the 13!!!!!DUN DUN DUN

The meaning of Friday the 13th is said to be considered a unlucky day.The number 13 has been said that it is unlucky way back from the Middle Ages.The reason its said to be unlucky is because Jesus Died on a Friday and there 13 guest at the last supper the night before his crucifixion.  Many people aren’t really positive about the right reason but people over think the day is very negative.There are many movies that are related to Friday the 13th like Friday the 13th,Friday the 13th part 2 and, Friday the 13th part 3 these movies take place in a summer camp woods setting that get brutality killed by a stalker. Some ideas for Friday the 13th parties would have to be having a halloween theme. I don’t know if i believe in the whole idea of it being a day with bad lucky because we shouldn’t be scared of the day because it could just be a coincidence that the person has bad luck.

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